3 Day Minimalist Workout

By Spartan Fitness

Gaining more muscle is not as easy as it sounds. Your body is designed for survival, not to look like a Mr. Olympia competitor, putting on and holding onto muscle mass is a multilayered affair that is rather complicated. Something everyone can do however, is maximize their ability to increase muscle mass by selecting the correct exercises.

This means that you train with minimalist type movements using a selection of exercises designed to break down your muscle tissue and help trigger a hormone response that sends your body into a state of anabolic overdrive. Training just three times a week for an hour will get these results if you eat correctly.

Always training on non-consecutive days you'd be either training a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday split or a Monday/Wednesday/Friday split.

Day 1:
D/B SHOULDER PRESS 3 X 10 reps 90 seconds rest
BARBELL SQUATS 4 X 8 reps 90 seconds rest
ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 2 X 10 reps 90 seconds rest
GENERAL PULL-UPS 25 in as many sets as it takes
INCLINE BENCH-PRESS 3 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
SINGLE-ARM (NEUTRAL-GRIP) D/B ROWS 5 X 5 reps rest 90 seconds
D/B HAMMER CURLS 3 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
FARMER'S WALK 1 set to failure

Day 2:
D/B SHOULDER PRESS 5 X 5 reps rest 90 seconds
BARBELL SQUATS 2 X 8 reps 90 seconds rest
ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 2 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
GENERAL PULL-UPS 15 reps is as many sets as it takes
INCLINE BENCH-PRESS 5 X 5 reps rest 90 seconds
SINGLE-ARM (NEUTRAL-GRIP) D/B ROWS 2 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
D/B HAMMER CURLS 5 X 5 reps rest 90 seconds
FARMER'S WALK 1 set to failure

DAY 3:
D/B SHOULDER PRESS 3 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
BARBELL SQUATS 5 X 5 reps rest 90 seconds
ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 2 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
GENERAL PULL-UP Complete 20 reps in as many sets as it takes
INCLINE BENCH-PRESS 3 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
SINGLE-ARM (NEUTRAL-GRIP) D/B ROWS 3 X 10 reps rest 90 seconds
D/B HAMMER CURLS 3 X 10,10,5 reps rest 90 seconds
FARMER'S WALK 1 set to failure

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