Visual Impact Review Setting Out My Likes and My Dislikes
I enjoy crafting my own workouts. But after years of doing it on my own, I started buying workout programs put together by other weight lifters with proven results. I don’t just buy one program, I buy different programs over time as I need new workouts and don’t feel like putting my own together. Why would I pay for a workout routine if I can create my own?
The main reason is I fall into ruts. I tend to create similar workouts. While I may vary the exercises, rep count, set structure and schedule, I still fall into ruts. By buying workout programs, I learn new approaches to working out, get more nutrition tips and get to do a workout program that I would never come up with on my own. Besides, most workout programs cost about the same as one session with a personal trainer, so it’s a good deal.
I decided to buy Visual Impact
Some time ago, I decided to buy Visual Impact (the for men version). The main reason I bought it was because I like the creator’s approach to weightlifting. The creator of Visual Impact is Rusty Moore who publishes the Fitness Black Book blog and his approach/goal is to create a lean, muscular body. That’s my style as well, so when Visual Impact was released I got my copy.
Did I do Visual Impact?
Yes, I did it. In fact, I learned a lot about set structure and rep volume, which I continue to incorporate into my own workouts to this day.
My results were good. I focused at first on adding some bulk and then revised the workout according to the strategies in the guide to cut down. The workout strategies are largely dictated by set structure and rep volume. It’s very simple, but works.
What I like best about Visual Impact
1. Teaches you how to create your own workouts
While it includes actual workout programs, it also sets out guidelines for creating your own workouts, depending on your goal. If you want to add bulk, Visual Impact explains how to do so. If you want to lean down, Visual Impact for men explains how to go about that.
Therefore, with the Visual Impact workout program you can start by following the specific workouts, but in the long run you can apply the principles set out in the guide to create your own workout. This is great, because the program has lasting value. I bought it more than a year ago, yet continue incorporating elements of the theory in my current workouts.
2. It provides evidence-based information about rep volume for muscle building goals
Rusty Moore sets the record straight with supporting research in the theory part of the Visual Impact .PDF guide with respect to what rep volume you should do to achieve different muscle-building results. This is the heart and crux of this workout (along with the included workout programs).
3. You don’t get a bunch of extraneous garbage
When you buy some workout programs, you end up with a bunch of extra garbage which is really filler to make it sound like you’re getting more than you are. The Visual Impact PDF documents are brief, to the point and deliver exactly what’s promised. You don’t have to set aside a full day to get through the materials. You can be up and running in the gym within an hour or two after downloading the guide.
What I don’t like about the Visual Impact workout routine
The nutrition part of the program is fairly brief. The sales page doesn’t oversell how much nutrition info is included, but the fact nutrition info for gaining muscle is included, it should be more detailed.
Visual Impact Phases
This program, if you follow the prescribed workout is 6 months long, split up into 3 phases. The phases are as follows:
- Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy: Designed for rapid muscle growth.
- Increase Muscle and Density: Increase strength, density and size.
- Max Density and Definition: Hardens your muscles.
Program Specifications
Format: Three downloadable .PDF Documents (Workout chart, theory guide and exercise instruction guide).
- Main guide length: 75 pages.
- Exercise images included: Yes, in a separate .PDF guide that you download.
- Workouts included: Yes. Includes specific exercises, set structure and rep volume for a variety or workout goals.
- Nutrition Guidelines: Yes, but it’s not terribly detailed. Don’t buy this program for the nutrition program.
- Video Instruction: No.
- Theory included: Yes (this is good stuff supported with clinical studies and research).
- Gym equipment needed? Yes.
- Body weight exercises included: No. It’s gym equipment-based.
Stretching methods/techniques taught: No.
- Cardio recommendations.techniques taught: Yes. Actually, the cardio component is excellent and pleasant surprise. Rusty is really into HIIT and explains how to incorporate HIIT into your weightlifting program.
You should buy Visual Impact if:
- You want to learn how to build lean, dense muscle (as opposed to large, bulky muscles).
- You need a new workout and has access to weightlifting equipment.
- You want to learn much more about rep volume theory.
You want to learn how to create your own workouts going forward.
You should NOT buy Visual Impact if:
- You want a body weight workout program (Visual Impact is not a body weight workout program)
- You don’t have access to weight lifting equipment.
- You’re mostly interested in building as much bulk as possible.
- Your focus is gaining strength (not lean, hard muscle).
My Visual Impact Review Conclusion
It’s definitely worth the money if you fall in any of the “should buy” categories above. It’s relatively inexpensive compared to many other workout programs you can buy. It’s succinct and actually teaches some useful techniques that you’ll be able to incorporate into future workouts.